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As an entrepreneur, the outcome of my days are determined by what I place my focus on. Sometimes, I wake up feeling like I want to conquer the world! I create to-do lists, and feel a sense of satisfaction when I tick them off one by one. But some days, my focus just gets influenced by my mood. I start off thinking about one task, then I become distracted by something else… and then start thinking, “I don’t feel like doing this now…” and before I know it, it’s 6pm and I didn’t really achieve anything much that day.

I realised that my daily motivation and focus were driven by my emotions, and not necessarily by my intentions. If you have ever felt like this before, you’re not alone. Just don’t beat yourself up for not being as productive as you should.

Keep in mind the bigger picture and what you want to achieve as a long term goal.

What we focus on, is where our time and energy goes.

This year, I felt my focus shift and sharpen. Honestly, I started 2020 with no clue as to where I was heading. March 2020 came with the Malaysian government’s announcement of the Movement Control Order due to Covid-19. I had to adapt my business quickly and we shape-shifted to include new services to our basket of offerings. I rebranded my corporate site to Stories for Business, and decided to focus on family segments as much as possible so that I can create an eco-system for Stories Lifestyle and Comma: Rethink Life.

In January, I started my coaching journey, and now, I am at the brink of achieving my coaching certification.

When our mind and emotions are in sync, energy flows. Day by day, I starve my distractions and feed my focus. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to regain focus:

  1. What is my long term goal?
  2. What motivates me?
  3. What is important to me today?
  4. What drains or energizes me?
  5. When am I most productive?
  6. How can I organize my day better so I can be most productive during my energetic time?
  7. How can I regulate my emotions better?
  8. What distractions do I need to eliminate?
  9. Who can help me?
  10. How can I celebrate the little wins?

It’s my hope that you will live your days with passion and focus!

Cover image credit: Photo by Maurício Mascaro from Pexels