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Did you know that an adult’s average attention span is 8 seconds, according to a 2015 Microsoft study? Apparently, a goldfish has an attention span of 9 seconds.
Undoubtedly, in 2015, I scrolled through social media a lot less compared to now. In fact, I completed my film and television degree in 2000 and was absolutely comfortable in creating and editing long-form TV content back then. But so much has shifted over the years. With the introduction of TikTok, Instagram reels, and YouTube shorts, most of us would probably have consumed 30 different videos by the time we finish a cup of coffee.
Grabbing and maintaining viewers’ attention is getting harder and harder nowadays. Many businesses recognise the need to be ‘out there’ visually, but creating video content that commands attention requires strategic and engaging approaches. Here are some effective strategies:

1. Start Strong

Capture viewers’ attention immediately with a compelling hook or attention-grabbing visual in the first few seconds. This could be an intriguing question, a bold statement, or a visually striking image that piques curiosity and encourages viewers to keep watching. You can also capture the attention of your target audience by addressing them directly. For example, if you sell baby products, you could start your video with this question: “Hey moms, do you struggle to find aesthetically pleasing baby bags that are practical yet maintain your chic look?” If you fall into this category of a chic, fashion-conscious mom, you would probably pause to see what the video has to say!

2. Keep It Concise

Deliver your message concisely and efficiently, avoiding unnecessary fluff or lengthy explanations. Instead of trying to cramp too much information in one video, opt for brevity and clarity. A 2-minute video is not necessarily better than a 1-minute video. Use concise language, clear visuals, and succinct storytelling to convey your message effectively. It is better to leave your audience pondering over one strong message than to squeeze many different points into one video.

3. Visual Engagement

Use visually engaging content, such as high-quality images, videos, animations, and infographics, to captivate viewers’ attention.If you are creating your own social media content using your phone, it’s not enough to own the latest iPhone model. You need to understand what makes a visual move from good to great. Invest time to learn about lighting, composition, movement, audio, and editing. There is an art to every frame and cut—this is why film schools still exist; the thought process behind every visual can be complex. You will need to incorporate dynamic visuals that stimulate the senses and create an immersive viewing experience, keeping viewers engaged and interested.

Watch the video below to see how the usage of a variety of text, footage and music can make this video more captivating.

4. Embrace Storytelling

Ever since the start of time, mankind has been telling stories and passing them down to the next generation. A compelling story hooks us. It reminds us that life is short, or that dreams can come true. It gives us faith to believe in bigger things, or that the underdog can win after all. Tell a compelling story that resonates with your audience on an emotional level. Ask yourself: Does my video have a main character going through a conflict, climax, and resolution? Stories have a unique ability to hold viewers’ attention and keep them invested in the content.

Check out Titan’s story here, and observe what emotions you might feel as you watch this video.

5. Variety and Pace

Maintain a varied pace and rhythm throughout your content to prevent monotony and boredom. Incorporate changes in visual elements, tone, and pacing to keep viewers engaged and interested. When I was working as a video editor many years ago, I would know my edit was impactful whenever I felt excited or emotional watching an edit (even after the 30th time). Sometimes, after viewing a cut multiple times, I would feel uneasy about certain sections of the video. I would take it as a hunch to fix something to the edit at that precise moment. Experiment with one of the following: Change your clip duration, switch the order of clips around, or remove a non-emotional clip. Your selection of music is also very crucial to maintaining intrigue and momentum.

Here’s an example from one of our clients on how your voice can impact your video.

6. Deliver Value

Provide valuable and relevant content that addresses your viewers’ needs, interests, and pain points. Offer actionable insights, practical tips, or entertaining content that adds genuine value to the viewer’s experience. When viewers perceive your content as valuable and worthwhile, they are more likely to stay engaged and attentive. Keep delivering value through every single video content you create, and soon, you’ll have a series of content that speaks volumes to your viewers or clients!

Try implementing these strategies so that you can effectively grab and maintain the viewers’ attention in your videos, ultimately driving greater engagement and audience retention. However, if you find creating your own video content too stressful, contact us, and we’ll be glad to do it for you!