Headshots are a crucial aspect of personal branding and professional representation. So what better way to hold an event where you can get a new headshot while engaging with other like-minded entrepreneurs? On May 19, Stories for Business threw our first ever networking and headshots party, which turned out to be a successful and unique experience.

The event kicked off with entrepreneurs getting to know one another, followed by a brief session from our founder, Grace Tan, who spoke about the importance of branding yourself through visuals.

After a round of introductions, entrepreneurs gathered to network, snack on delicious food, and take turns snapping their quick headshots.

Our photographers, Stephen and Leong Wai, set up individual photography corners and helped pose while keeping everyone relaxed during their photography session.

After that, each individual got to select their favourite photos on the spot and learn more about what we do here at Stories.
For some, it was their first experience getting a headshot done, and they loved it! Key takeaways from the headshot session were that posing was not as easy as it looked, and sometimes poses that may feel a bit awkward actually translated well in photographs.

The atmosphere was fun and relaxing, and one of the highlights for me was meeting different entrepreneurs from all walks of life that Friday evening. I always love a chance to socialise over good connections. Overall, we received a lot of positive feedback from the event and will be looking forward to running another session before the end of the year.
In the meantime, you can find out more on how to prepare yourself for a headshot session here